Friday, November 7, 2008

How Safe is the fat loss 4 diets

How Safe is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet?
By Janet Sommers

Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet is an online diet program that was
launched back in 2005 when it was still known as the Weight Loss
4 idiots. The program has had numerous following that it became
one of the most popular diet website during that year. Some
critics have questioned the safety of the program because it
claims to help people lose 9 pounds every 11 days. If you do the
math, you will stand to lose almost 25 pounds in a month if you
get with the program. Some people who have followed the program
were happy with the results, but there are people who still are
wary of the risks involved with a massive drop in weight in just
a short span of time.

So, how safe is the Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet? It's important to
have a clear understanding of the said program before attempting
to answer this question. The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet asserts that
you are overweight because you eat the wrong types of food and
wrong type of calories every meal. What makes it worse is that
you are eating in the wrong pattern. This just means that when
you eat the wrong food at the wrong intervals every day, you
will accumulate the unwanted fat and have to live with excess
poundage. The program also states that the body is an engine
that needs only certain types of foods to be consumed at a
particular time interval. Eating the wrong kind of food at the
wrong time will cause the body to not burn the calories. And
stored calories can turn to fat tissue, which causes you misery.
So, the secret is not in eating low fat food or consuming low
carbohydrate meals. The key is to have meals that have lean
proteins, fruits, and vegetables. There is an emphasis in eating
only source of fat that come from whole foods, such as eggs and
cottage cheese.

The Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet program allows you to eat 4 meals a
day, which should be eaten in 2 and a half hour interval. What's
great about the program is that there is no need to count the
calories or the carbohydrates being consumed, but you need to
eat just short of being full. This should go on for 11 days
after which you can start your 3-day cheat. In this time period,
you can eat anything you want. But you need to get back to the
meal plan after that 3-day period. The meal only includes food
items that can easily be bought at the supermarket.

The program operates in the belief that the metabolism only
works at its maximum efficiency if it can't anticipate what the
body is going to eat. When you have an eating pattern, the
metabolism will not work at its efficient level. This process is
said to be the culprit why dieters plateau and stops losing
weight at a particular point. So, is Fat Loss 4 Idiots Diet
safe? Absolutely, because the program let's you just change your
meals in 11-day cycle. The menu generator that it has allows you
to have a menu that is optimized for your diet while taking into
consideration your food preferences. There's nothing unsafe
about that.

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